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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Love it or Leave it: Imperial Trellis

{Blount Design}

Last week, I introduced a new feature, “Love it or Leave it?” in which we discuss whether a particular ubiqutous item has achieved its popularity because it is a classic or because it is on-trend. Either way, I ask you to decide whether you love and embrace the look or if you’d prefer to see it go away all together. Last week, we discussed bone in-laid pieces and the overall verdict was that it is a classic look that we want to see more of.

Today, I’d love to hear your thoughts on Kelly Wearstler’s iconic Imperial Trellis pattern, available as both fabric and wallpaper. The pattern has been exceedingly popular over the past three or four years. In fact, I even have it in my home. Imperial Trellis has been loved by bloggers and blog readers alike in its many colorways. The pattern has even spawned quite a few look-alikes. It makes a very bold statement and features a whimsical geometric pattern. I can’t help but wonder…have we seen enough of it? What’s your take on Imperial Trellis…love it or leave it? Like last week, I will share my opinion in the comments section later on.Kate Spade Green in Imperial Trellis

{Canadian House and Home}

domino trellis2


{Jennifer Dyer}

kwid rug

{Kelley Wearstler}



Paloma said...

I love it, especially in textiles like curtains, rugs, and chair covers. It's ornate enough to catch your attention, but the elegance in its symmetry ensure that it isn't overpowering.

Catherine said...

This one I say trendy. I don't hate it, but yeah, I think it's pretty trendy.

Anonymous said...

I have loved this pattern for years. Like everything else popular I feel like the design world is oversaturated with it. I seriously contemplated using this on a wall in my bedroom and decided against it not because I don't absolutely love it but more so because I'm afraid it won't have staying power. I say love small doses.

Peeke said...

Its trendy now, but over time will end up a classic. It is over used right now and it needs to go away for a few years.

The first time I saw it I could have sworn it was used back in the 40's through the 60's in the South, but I guess not. I swear I have been in classy mid-century homes that had a version of this on the walls when I was a kid.

The Iconic Blog said...

I love it, but I wouldn't use it in my home. I feel that I would tire of it.xx


Kelly Ann said...

Love it! But I agree with others that it is best used as an accent. So even if it is trendy, you can always swap it out later for the latest trend.

Lauren@BaylorSays... said...

These 'trends' are such tough decisions for me, personally. We see them constantly on blogs and in magazines, but I've never once in my life seen Imperial Trellis in a 'real life' home!

It's especially hard for me as a new blogger documenting my first efforts at really decorating my home. I catch myself saying no to something I really love because I think that when I put pictures of it on my blog people will say "Hmmph! Old News!"

Sometimes it makes it difficult to remember that I am decorating for myself (and my real life friends to some extent) and not for the interior design blogosphere.

Good questions Paloma!

InspireMe said...

I have to agree with Peeke that it may seem trendy now with all the similar patterns out there, but in time the original KW Trellis will prove to be a classic pattern. Maybe it's the symmetry that makes it so striking.

Anonymous said...

I've been over this pattern for about a year now! I'm glad to see you put it up for debate. I mean it is a beautiful design, but enough already!

Jacci said...

It's a trend, but I still like it. I don't care for it in more than one application in a room (either wallpaper OR upholstery, please, not both), but it's a great design. I think that shows in it's longevity (for a trend). I'm not sure it will be a classic, though. That will be interesting to watch play out. I could definitely see it having a revival of sorts in 20-30 years, though. At that point, it would be a classic.

tina.b - Half Of What I Say said...

I have KW Trellis in Charcoal wallpaper in my powder room. My original inspiration was Chloe Sevigney's amazing space. When we chose it, it felt unique. Less so now, but it adds such impact to the space. Ultimately, I think it will be regarded as a classic. Great post!

neen said...

Totally...Totally...Totally makes me dizzzzzy..doesn't matter what room or color or wall or window...not my "cup of Tea"..

The enchanted home said...

I definitely love it but am getting just a wee bit tired of seeing it and that alone would prevent me from using it, just my personal opinion. I wouldnt' want something that I see coming and going and I personally know 3 people who have used it. Its beautiful but time to find another "it" wallpaper.

David Toms said...

I love the wallpaper and it is very David Hicks like. Even though it does create a wonderful impact when whole rooms are covered I think just a feature wall would be more than sufficient!

Anonymous said...

I like it, but feel it is overdone. With everything that is trendy, I try to figure out a way for my clients to use it in a fresh and different way (Perhaps wallpaper on a ceiling or used to wrap a dresser).

Naomi@DesignManifest said...

I think Kelly really hit the jackpot with this one. It's a sophisticated take on a timeless trellis pattern and it appeals to so many different kinds of people. Especially those who may not be as well-versed in design.

I really like it in green and citrine as I feel it feels fresh and happy. A little over the brown, as I've seen it so much. But that's only because I stare at interiors all day long!

My House, My Garden said...

I love it. It is overdone in the design world, however I have not been into anyone's home that I know that actually have it. So, for me it's still unique and I am planning on wallpapering my laundry room in it as soon as I decide on a color. :)

Maria@Live Beautifully said...

I just read that interlocking trellis patterns are "out" in an US weekly or something the other day...which isn't even a design related magazine! I disagree. I think that it started out really trendy but graphic trellis patterns have notched themselves up to classic.

Unknown said...

Even though I have seen it ALOT, I still think it's on the way to becomming a classic- it's just such a timeless design. I love the green- a little sassier than the other versions.

S said...

I still love it! Maybe if I had it in my home I would be tiring of it... but... not yet!

Tammy@InStitches said...

I love it even though it does seem a little trendy. I have one pillow in my guest room and it's just enough that I'll probably never get tired of it !

traci zeller designs said...

It is trendy, for sure, but I think it will prove a classic over time!

Anonymous said...

love. LOVE. L.O.V.E. it!

Denise said...

Leave it, definitely.

There are so many gorgeous patterns out there, I don't even know how this one managed to be popular in the first place!

Enough already!

Lindsey Turner said...

Love it! I want to run out and buy something in this pattern right now!

Rashon Carraway said...

I believe it is only trendy and classic in blogland.

As bloggers we are often recycling posts, concepts, DIYs and the like so much that on a day to day basis we can find at least 10 bloggers blogging about the same thing.

However, people who don't read design blogs or who are constantly surrounded by design may not even know who Kelly is or what a trellis design is.

In blogland it may perhaps be overused and overdone.

However, if you like it, go for it.

FYI: Im putting up trellis drapes in my bedroom this weekend.

Lame. I know!!!

Mr. Goodwill Hunting

Kristy @ I Design Love said...

I know that this pattern have been super popular for the past several years, but I absolutley adore this pattern. Although is may seem overdone, I think this pattern is going to be a pattern that will be popular for many years to come. Like Lauren@BaylorSays...said I have yet to see this in any of the homes in my area. I think it will become more popular if anything, if not a classic piece. :)

I love these discussion questions by the way, they create great converstations.

travelkate said...

Even though I have seen it so much, whenever I think I am getting sick of it...I seem to find a new inspiring image and fall in love with it all over I'm going to have to go with classic!

elizabeth@themustardceiling said...

Great idea, love it or leave it. I still like it, I think the pattern adds interest to the space, however I think it should be used in small doses. Unfortunately, I think for now it is a trend because the design world has been so saturated with it. Hopefully, it will come back as a classic.

Courtney said...

It is trendy for sure now, but I still love it. I like to see it mixed with other prints as far as fabric, but I love the Domino photo you posted of the hallway. If you're gonna go with wallpaper, you might as well go big! :)

Anonymous said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! Especially in fun, fresh colors. Though it is all over in blogger land, I don't see much of it in peoples homes.

alison giese Interiors said...

I still love it - I think I always will. I say Classic. I ditto Mr.Goodwill Hunting's take that we in the blogosphere are jaded.

Ninety percent of the people who walk into my home, and see my IT covering my chairs have not been nearly as exposed to it, and always comment that they love it.

Unknown said...

very sweet blog :)

Design Goddess said...

It's a busy pattern that I like to see on rugs, pillows and pottery. But when it comes to window treatments and walls, I prefer a more subtle hue.

It's funny because I do a "pattern love" series on my blog & trellis was the next I'm featuring.

Anonymous said...

I STILL absolutely love it!! I think it will ultimately become a classic.

Marissa Waddell said...

I think it will become a classic that will go through periods where it's in vogue. I certainly still can't get enough of it even though I see/use it ALL THE TIME.

Unknown said...

I really like the graphic quality of this print and feel it has lead the trend for the many two color graphic prints that abound on everything from rugs to fabrics to wall coverings. As many of the commenters have stated, we are a bit jaded here in the blog world because we see so much, so often.

I think this pattern will be a classic and as with any classic, there is always a fresh approach to using it. So if you love it, go for it, just go about it in your own way.


Rachel Hazelton Interior Design said...

I love it but I'm going to have to vote to leave it. I just can't use it on a project since it is so recognizeable. Fortunately, her collection for Lee Jofa just introduced a larger scale fabric with a similar but fresh feel.

Linda in AZ * said...

*** Whenever I like something ALOT, and I fear it will become "too trendy/outdated too soon", so I stick to accents of it... that's why a light/neutral background works so well~~~ for ME, anyway, because I'm ALWAYS trying new things!!!

I'm reminded of MY first "IDOL", the late & great Billy Baldwin... He said (I MAY be paraphrasing here) that "Nothing you really like EVER goes out of style"...

It seems pretty LOGICAL & honest to me, BUUUT, experience tells me some things DOOOOO go out of style, most of which *I* never personally LIKED anyway! (IE: orange shag carpeting? "Harvest Gold" & that AWFUL avocado?... Oh yes, and how about those pinks n' blues... etc).

IN THE END tho, we jokingly say in MY family, "Ain't MAMA happy, ain't NOBODY happy... ain't PAPA happy, NOBODY CARES!"...

I mean, which would *I* rather have (???)... a friend with a FAB house who is "cold", "snobby" and/or a boring "name-dropper", ORRRRR, that gal with the (OMG!) HERCULON stuff (yikes! Not that they MAKE IT ANYMORE, ANYWAY, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!), but a heart as big as Texas???

Thankfully, I am blessed with pretty well-rounded, warm, loving n'caring friends, WITH good taste to boot, which is the best of ALL worlds, IMHO! (And do we ALL have f*u*n TOGETHER!)...

Wishing you the best this lovely day!

Linda in AZ *

Bethany said...

girl - it's high time someone posted about this! i am done with it. i think i see I.T. everywhere. It was in the background of some clip from RHoOC the other day and I was like BLEGH. I'm done.

Unknown said...

I love it but it is very recognizable now. All we need is for Restoration Hardware to pick it up and then we'll really be done with it.

Unknown said...

Fun to read all the comments on this! Thanks Paloma!

I personally love this pattern as a designer and a consumer. I've used the gray version in in my own home and adore it. And to respond to others I haven't gotten tired of it either. In fact it makes me smile everyday! I think what is so wonderful about this pattern is that it can be used so uniquely in so many different applications. I think it is very trendy in the blog world but in reality their are so many amazing fabrics out there. It has a great sophistication to it and It all depends on how you use it!

A Casa da VĂ¡ said...

Hi Paloma you made a great point! I really don't care so much for what is labeled as "cool" or "not so cool" because at the end of the day what matters is what makes me smile and not the trend. I think this is a great pattern with simple lines but with a bold impression - I would certainly go for it!

Hugs & kisses from Rio!

Anonymous said...

Hey Paloma!

Coming to this late, but had to comment. I'm putting a look-a-like print in my laundry and downstairs full bath (in a raging, bright salmon) and I have thought about the more muted colors (browns, greys) of this as wallpaper for my study. I think it is totally on-trend for what's going on right now, but I agree with earlier posters that mentioned similar designs were popular in the 40s-60s. I think her design will become a classic and possibly still be used decades from now - but in a less ubiquitous way!


Amy said...

I'm sure it's probably "overdone" in the blog/online designer world, but for those of us who like simple patterns and clean lines it is a swanky fabric! I think it'll be a timeless classic in years to come. Especially for those of us who aren't into big, bold wild colored prints...I have it on a chair in our bedroom and never tire of looking at it. *Amy

Robin Grey said...

I've been marinating on this question since yesterday. I love this pattern so much. Is it trendy? I have to say yes. I just saw a knock-off in a green colorway in our local McDonald's while picking up my mocha this morning. YIKES! That kind of answers it doesn't it? Would I still use it? Also, yes. But probably in small, measured doses. I don't want to be compared to Mickey Dee's right?

Stacy - A Westside Story said...

I'm torn. I have been loving mixing graphic patterns with my overall country vibe lately but I'm afraid it's going to be so 2010 -- so tweens, so? How do we even say what "years" it is right now?

Anonymous said...

Definitely a new classic. While maybe in 10 or 20 years it will remind us of a certain era, don't lots of classics? Think about that preppy Palm Beach look - totally 60s in some ways, and yet it's also a pretty classic retro look.

Sheila Zeller said...

I'm with Carolina Eclectic...
I have loved this pattern, but it's starting to feel tired. I'm done...for now. But I also agree with Traci Zeller that it will become known as a classic. Thank you to Kelly for a great ride!

Vanessa Helmick said...

when zgallerie has knocked it off, it's done.
I love the pattern, and have it on two ginormous pillows in brown in my bedroom. I am sick of looking at the pattern everywhere. I will not hesititate to specify it for a residential client if it will make them happy. All of the above comments live in harmony in my design soul. :)