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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Pretty Chic Giveaway


While I love my iPhone and am slightly addicted to my e-mail and the internet, I am more traditional when it comes to taking notes. As a blogger, I always need to be prepared to capture unexpected inspiration. I usually carry a camera and a small notebook in my handbag for when blogging moments arise. I may jot down blogging ideas that come to me out of the blue or to do something as simple as making a list of items to buy at the grocery store or making a note of a doctor’s appointment.

These chic little notebooks from Pretty Chic SF come in several cute patterns and fit the bill perfectly. Pretty Chic SF has teamed up with La Dolce Vita to giveaway one of these notebooks to a lucky winner.



1. To enter the giveaway, simply visit Pretty Chic SF and leave a comment on this blog post telling me which pattern is your favorite. In order to officially enter the contest, you must follow La Dolce Vita on Blogger, Facebook, or Twitter (if you already follow LDV on one network, please choose to follow on another). Please include your e-mail address, so that I may contact you if you are the winner.

2. Leave ONE comment on this post between today and Friday, May 14th, 2010. A winner will be announced this Saturday.

3. Link to this post on your own blog (include the url to your blog post in your comment) to receive an extra entry. It is up to you to return to this post to enter your second entry after blogging about the giveaway.

4. Post about this giveaway on Twitter with a link to this blog post for another entry (follow La Dolce Vita on twitter in order to show me your tweet). It is up to you to return to this post to enter your additional entry after tweeting about the giveaway.

5. Anonymous entries will be ignored, so please include your e-mail in your comment. Your e-mail address will never be used for anything other than to notify you if you are the winner.

Good luck, everyone!


Jacqueline said...

These are so beautiful, I'd love to win!

Lizzie said...

So Cute!! My fave is the Gold Key notebook!
I follow you on blogger and on twitter @wizfoe


Bethany Dirksen said...

I'm a pretty big fan of the hounds tooth pattern. Love the color palette they use for all of them though!

I'm a follower through blogger

dirksendabbles at gmail dot come

Emily Ferris said...

How lovely! I'm having a tough time deciding between blue zebra and coral geometric ... all are beautiful! I follow you on Reader.

Beth McC. said...

I could definitly use one of these little cuties!!

Emily Ferris said...

Whoops - and my email was ekferris(at)gmail(dot)com!

Cid Style File said...

Hi I'm a new follower, and love those cute & chic note books. I think favorite are the black w/ anchors or the houndstooth print.
Thanks for having a great giveaway!

cidstylefile at
will link to your giveaway!

Unknown said...

I love the coral one!
Thank you - - i follow you on google reader

karlee said...

I love the blue geometric!! So chic. I'm a follower!

Lynett said...

I am a follower ;) I love the key notebook!

Anonymous said...

Love the black zebra!
I already follow here and on Twitter..

Shannon @ What's Up Whimsy said...

I am a follower through Blogger. I would go with Blue Zebra. Thanks1

Anonymous said...

Just re-Tweeted about Giveaway...

Fargerike Dagny said...

Black zebra! And I'm already following you everywhere :)

Don't forget about my Elle Interiør subscription giveaway ;)


Sarah Davis said...

Love the baby blue zebra pattern! Following on FB now :)

JLC said...

Great notebooks Paloma!I absolutely love the black w/ anchors and the houndstooth print. I couldn't pick one ;)


Red Door Home said...

Really pretty and practical! Love the black geometric.

Anonymous said...

A black zebra notebook would look beautiful in my office nook! What an adorable shop -- Love it!


Living It At Home said...

I really like the gold key notebook. So cute. I am also into the black and white polka dots. Just love dots!
Count me in!

Anonymous said...

I also follow you on Twitter and have tweeted about the giveaway via @tiersofjoyblog. Thanks for the chance to win!

Katie said...

i would love to own the anchor journal!!

DesignTies said...

I'm a notebook lover - in fact, I go ga-ga over pretty much any paper product! And these notebooks are lovely, Paloma!!

I'm already a follower of your blog via google and Facebook, but I just deleted my Twitter account.

And if I could choose a fave from Pretty Chic SF's Etsy site I'd pic the Blue Geometric. It was hard to choose because I luv several!!
Victoria @ DesignTies

Emily @ EMILY POSTS said...

love the black geometric for all my list making needs!

great giveaway.

Alyssa said...

I love the key one!
So cute.


Hello, I'm Holly! said...

I love the gold key design - its pretty simple yet elegant. Very much understated but classy

PS. I shared this on my blog - I love sharing good stuff..

MH said...

These are all wonderful-- would be tough to choose just one! Love the anchors and houndstooth though!

Hello Lover... said...

I'm a follower - and I love that coral geometric!

eileen said...

I love your blog! The blue geometric notebook would be perfect for me...

Tess said...

I'm a follower...and my current notebook has about 5 more pages in it!

Kirsten Krason said...

The black geometric is my favorite!

Jess said...

I love the black zebra

Amy said...

I just signed up to follow you on google and will do a post about it tonight. I LOVE the gray zebra print, I'm a landscape designer and this would be PERFECT to stash in my bag when a great idea strikes! Thanks for the giveaway!

Scuba Wife Life said...

I love the black polka dots and the pink polka dots notebooks.
I follow on twitter, blogger, and fb.

Scuba Wife Life said...


Oh, My Darling said...

I love the blue geometric pattern. omydarlingblog(at)gmail(dot)com

Kathysue said...

Love this giveaway, something useful and very pretty I might add. Thank you for such a great giveaway, I would love to be put in the drawing, Kathysue

Amy said...

Just did a post on your giveaway, so feel free to check out my blog-VERY NEW, but excited to have such great references and talented blog ladies to follow! *Amy

Unknown said...

The anchor notebook is to die for, especially with summer just around the corner!

Jessica Catherine said...

I love the anchor one!!!

Alison said...

I love the coral one!

Sarah said...

Beautiful patterns! I'm drawn especially to the blue zebra print.

Jordan - Queen of LA! said...

i love the leopard day planner! what a great find!

i follow on twitter -- @queenjord

crossing my fingers!

Unknown said...

I love the Gold Key Notebook - how fitting for someone so interested in all things interior design?!
- Danielle
other-option AT hotmail DOT com
I follow via Google Reader.

Anonymous said...

I went to the site and I follow you on facebook and twitter. My favorite is the light blue design.

Anonymous said...

I love the light blue design. I am a follower of the blog and I follow on twitter and facebook.

Anonymous said...

I just got the keys to my new apartment and was surprised to see an old skeleton key on the key chain that is still in use, so maybe it's a sign that I should pick the skeleton key print as my favorite!

Though I'd never turn down a cute houndstooth print, it would match the file folders on my desk!

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

my favorite has always been the zebra one! so cute
Im a follower of course

Son said...

My fav is the gray hound in pink and gray, great color combos! I'm a follower on fb.


Anonymous said...

If I have to pick just one, then I'd have to say that the "Blue Geometric" is my fave. Love them all though! (

SoMozSal said...

These are so cute! I'm diggin' the grey hounds pattern. I follow you on Blogger.

Krystine said...

Love the black zebra!

Lovely Little Nest said...

She is SUCH a great etsy seller (and very sweet girl as well!). These notebooks are too cute! I would love to win one of these for a friend of mine who loves pretty organizing! Oh, and I'm a follower of your blog on blogspot :)

Mrs. D said...

I'm a Facebook follower, and my favorite pattern is blue geometric!

Jen Laceda | Milk Guides said...

Hi Paloma,
I follow you on all three!

I hope I win, and if I do, I'd love the key pattern.

Kelly @ Notable Inspiration said...

Oooo I love pretty notebooks! My favorite is the black geometric! I'm following you on all three networks (FB, twitter & blogger!) =)

kellylanza {at} gmail {dot} com

Laura Casey Interiors said...

I love the diamond one in blue. It kind of works with my whole logo/scheme and colors. I thought I was already following your blog on FB but am now! Great giveaway!

Miss Scarlet said...

I LOVE the anchor notebook!

Angela said...

I love the coral geometric notebook! Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I just discovered your blog and loved it. I will be addicted.
My favorite one is orange-yellow like spring.

The Iconic said...

Coral geometric please! I follow you on Reader. xx

Unknown said...

My favorite is the coral geometric! Love it!


Anonymous said...

I love these! My fave is the houndstooth. And I'm a twitter follower! Pick me! :)

Sarah @ Couture Contessa said...

love these cute little notebooks, my fave is the gray houndstooth.I loved your idea about jotting down blog ideas.I will do a post on these on friday! Thanks so much

Xoxo CC

Sarah @ Couture Contessa said...

I love these adorable notebooks! I also loved your idea about keeping one on hand to jot down blog ideas. My fave is the grey houndstooth. I have a very new blog and would love to do a post on your give away. Thanks for all the inspiration!

Xoxo CC

Unknown said...

I love all the patterns! But I think my favorite would be the coral geometric one.

I'm following on facebook now, thanks!

Three Men and a Little Crazy said...

Very cool! I like the blue geometric. Thanks!

b said...

i am OBSESSED with the white with the gold keys. they are all cute but this one wins because both the colors and the pattern are classic. while keys may be a little bit trendy right now, they are most definitely always in style and anyone could tote one of these around!


ps i keep a little notebook with my at all times as well to jot's just so much better than taking creative notes on an iphone :)

Miss Bias said...

I'm a follower on Twitter. I love the Zebra print. Thanks for the giveaway.

Miss Bias

Miss Bias said...

Just tweeted about the giveaway at

Miss Bias

Emily said...

I love the coral & gold geometric pattern - but the are all great! Thanks!


The Hype Writer said...

These are such darling notebooks! Like you, I use my phone/laptop for pretty much everything in my life, but I always carry notebooks in my purse with my camera for any inspirational ideas. Thanks for showcasing these! My favorite is the blue geometric notebook. I follow you on twitter @nelsonles

Connie @ SogniESorrisi said...

I follow on Google and Twitter. I love the Blue Geometric pattern!

cerebral e said...

Blue Geometric!

elissa at iinet dot net dot au

AirUhCa said...

White with keys, Houndstooth, actually, any of these would be great for note taking on the go!

Fingers crossed!

Mimi Today said...

My FAV is the Anchor Black Notebook! Love!! xoxoxo!

kenda said...

the blue zebra notebook is my fav.

Em Frank said...

These are beautiful! I follow on blogger and FB.

I love the Blue Geometric.

Unknown said...

I LOVE the Grey Hound notebook! I also LOVE your blog, especially being a Houstonian, I learn something cool and new everyday about my own city from you! :)

Unknown said...

so cute! i love the leopard print! i follow on blogger and i'm a facebook fan :)

Unknown said...

and i just tweeted!

Diverb18 said...

I love the coral geometric one. I am a fan on facebook.

Nicole said...

I love the blue geometric pattern.
These are adorable!

Nicole said...

I am loving all things nautical lately so I would go for the anchor pattern. I can't decide which color though!

Karen said...

I love the Coral Geometric notebook - Thanks!

torrie said...

First~ Thanks for such a great giveaway! I LOVE notebooks:).

My favorite is the coral geometric. I was a follower under the name "tsessions," but I've decided to join the blogging party (can't post about this yet, as my blog isn't ready yet!) and am now following on my blogger account. [If you're able to delete followers, feel free to delete the tsessions one!]. I also follow you on Twitter.

My e-mail address is


torrie said...

Entry #2! Just posted about this giveaway on Twitter w/ a link to this post.

Ashlyn Stallings said...

I'll jump on board :)

Beautiful find! I've gotta say the blue/white is my favorite.

What can I say, my sorority's colors are close to heart.

Cecile said...

Can't live without my iphone, though I too am reluctant to use it for notes and appointments. I love the look and feel of paper!! My favorite is the coral geometric!

Anna said...

I love the coral geometric version! I am a HUGE list person and I love to have a little notebook handy to write out ideas and to-dos. Great designs!

Unknown said...

Love the blue Geometric! Hope you have a fabulous weekend!

suzy spellman said...

New Houston follower.
I would choose the gold key notebook to go along with the Tiffany & Co. necklace on my wish list.

Unknown said...

I love your blog! The notebooks are beautiful and I would be delighted to win one. Thank you,

Laura said...

Cute notebooks!

My favorite is the pink and grey houndstooth print.


ajt said...

My favorite is the black geometric! Despite how great my iphone is, there is definitely something about being able to write an actual note!