Earlier this week, I asked my friend Leah if my husband and I could babysit her children on Friday. No, we were not asked to babysit, we asked to borrow her kids! Her son, Kaid is 3 years old and her daughter, Lilli is almost 6 months old. They are incredibly well behaved and pleasant kids, so I thought it would be good practice as Fabian and I would like to start a family next year.
I must admit that I was a little nervous, but everything went very smoothly. Kaid watched cartoons for a little while and we talked about school and life while I played with Lilli, who is honestly the most pleasant baby I've ever met. She never cries and is always giggling and having a great time. A little later, we took the babies to Chick-fil-A where Kaid got to play and I saw six of my students (no place is safe!). Afterwards, we took Kaid to get a mini-cupcake at a cute bakery that just opened near by and then went home to play and put puzzles together.
It was so funny that as we were getting ready for bed, Fabian and I both said that we missed Kaid and Lilli. I think they made us want a baby even more!