London is such an easy city to fall in love with. There are so many incredible things about it and best of all, it leaves you wanting more. One of my favorite things about the city was the gorgeous architecture. Elegant and stately, everything is very clean, well-manicured, and ultra charming. There were so many houses that I was completely smitten by in London, but I have always loved doors and doorways, so they especially caught my eye on this trip.

So many buildings have these charming flower boxes...

especially the pubs. I would say the pubs probably had the most beautiful displays of flowers spilling from their windows.

So many doors had doorknobs in the center of the door as opposed to on the left, which I thought was really neat. I also love the doorknocker here.
A Stately Home near Buckingham Palace. Aren't the doors gorgeous?
I thought this townhouse on Gloucester Road was exceptionally pretty.
Masculine and Elegant
A Cute Little House
I thought this old red door was really neat. I didn't see too many red doors in London. Various shades of blue seemed to be favored over red. I don't think the trim color really goes with the red door, but I digress.
These pretty flower doorknobs were everywhere in the British Museum!
This house was hands-down, one of my favorites. I love the flowers spilling out of the windows, the stately black doors, and the fabulous sign with the street number. So gorgeous!
I love seeing London through your eyes, xv.
That was beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Your post made my day being able to enjoy all that beauty! One day I'll make it over there.
The signs of the Pubs were absolutely amazing. I loved the bright red in most of them in contrast with the worn out pattina of old brick. London is so beautiful.
I love the turquoise doors especially. Thanks for sharing.
I love doors, they're my favorite architectural element. Seeing all of these together made me very happy. So pretty!
Wow, you really got around over there-- love the photos! I've stayed near that townhouse on Gloucester Road-- sooo pretty!
I love the all the window flowers and English ivy. Incredibly charming. Thank you for brightening my day!
Aww really pretty! I miss London so much, I lived there for 5 years.
I linked this on my twitter. Beautiful post.
Awesome photos of London! it looks like you had an amazing trip and accomplished/got to see a lot while you were there!
Fab posts. I loved seeing all the doors! Such fun. I'll have to take note of the same thing the next time I'm on vaca.
Each more inviting than the last. Beautiful London. My favourite London hotel has the best doorway. Just outside they always keep large urns filled with fresh apples. Red apples on one side, green apples on the other. It's marvelous.
Love all of your London photos! I need to go back...
Ps. Please send some of your design genius my way at my blog today. I am having a vintage chair debate of sorts, haha.
That charming little street and the doors with the knobs in the middle remind me of my favorite seen from the movie Love Actually when Mark tells Juliet he loves her and then has to walk away! Beautiful post!
very charming....someday, I hope to see all of these in person!
The cascading plant in your London pictures looks quite a lot like Alabama Kudzu. It's a complete and total nuisance here in the south, but it bears a striking resemblance to the plant in your photo!
I love doors! Thanks for taking all these pictures--you're making me want to go to London!
Yes - the doors and colours of London were two of my favourite things when I lived there. I love how they paint their houses in contrasting colours with a neat partition at the boarder between the properties.. So British and so lovely!
I miss my ol' London town!!
Lovely post!
Gorgeous, gorgeous gorgeous! And I agree with you -- that bold blue door is absolutely stunning...definitely my favorite.
I absolutely love every shot!
OOOooo I miss London - most of the properties you love are Georgian which are my all time favourites too. Hard to imagine that the quaint cobble-stoned streets with the mews houses used to be stables for the larger houses around them! Nowadays these mews homes costs millions to purchase!
Those glass steps look dangerous after a rain :X
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