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Friday, August 20, 2010

Fabulous Room Friday 8.20.10

I recently came across this image of designer, Eric Cohler’s bedroom on The Neo-Traditionalist and was rather intrigued by the eclectic mix within the room’s four walls. You have very traditional, antique furniture coupled with David Hicks’ La Fiorentina fabric (my fave) and bold pop art by Andy Warhol and Alex Katz. I absolutely adore the monogrammed linens.

Initially, I was struck by the lovely lines of this settee as well as the beautiful pillows. The more I studied this image, the more I came to love the huge painting commissioned by Cohler which combines the works of John Singer Sargeant and Edward Hopper. It’s kind of amazing. However, do you find the combination of so many bold works of art to be overwhelming within the confines of a bedroom? I enjoy looking at this room, but I’m not sure that I could live in it.

If you’d like to see more of Cohler’s interesting New York apartment, be sure to check out the post I wrote for Circa Lighting’'s blog yesterday.

{Image Source}


Ariane said...

I adore the grey walls. What a perfect neutral, especially for such a visually stimulating room.

The Neo-Traditionalist said...

So glad you were intrigued Paloma! He has quite the style, doesn't he? Have a lovely weekend!

xx Katie

Anonymous said...

That room is definitely FABULOUS! Love it!


Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Loving the Warhols!

Carpe Diem said...

Eclectic...exactly, what I love. The mixing of contemporary stream lines pieces and traditional pieces, as seen in his use of a cherry "antique" looking desk and chair, looks FAB.

Rachael said...

I love the monogrammed linens too!

Have a great weekend!

Averill said...

Cohler is one of my favorite designers -- he mixes traditional and modern so well. Love the pop art paired with the traditional linens and dark walls.

KSK said...

It's fabulous indeed, but since I'm not the world's biggest Warhol fan, I'd probably nix those and let the commissioned piece take the spotlight. I do adore the mix of modern and traditional that's going on in here! I'm off to check out the Circa blog post now...

Hello Lover... said...

Love this space - I cannot believe I didn't know circa lighting had a blog - on my way to check it out now!

Jane Kilpatrick Schott said...

I LOVE this interior and for a NYC life this would be my choice. Every inch is accounted for.
I have no problem at all living with BIG artwork and he has such a lively combination of styles. I find it all very interesting to look at. Of course, his linen selection is way above par.
Thanks for this post...really impressive.

traci zeller designs said...

Of course I love the Leontine linens! That's one of my favorite monograms that they do.

jacqueline. said...

My fave piece would have to be the commissioned painting, and the entire room is fantastic, but if I were in this space I think I'd feel claustrophobic! There is so much going on in this room it might be a bit much for me...